Acupuncture and Healing Arts is one of the oldest acupuncture practices in Memphis. It was founded by native Memphian Judi Harrick over 18 years ago. She has developed it into the most professional Complimentary Medicine practice in the Mid South. We have an experienced staff of acupuncturists, doctoral level psychologists, and massage therapists. In addition to our professional staff, we have a fully stocked Chinese Herbal Pharmacy with over 400 herbs and patent herbal remedies. The pharmacy carries therapeutic grade vitamins and supplements for your use.
I have worked in this clinic for the last 3 years. My specialty is treating neck and back pain. But I am also one of the few acupuncturists that treat children. Children respond well to treatment for colds, flus, ear infections, constipation, teething, fevers, etc. Please consult your pediatrician first. I recommend Janet Geiger, M.D.
Please write if you have any questions.